MAS activities 2024/25
2024 MAS Annual Exhibition at the RSM Atrium
Private View Monday 22July 5-6.30pm
A Day Visit to the Watts Gallery in Compton, Tuesday 20 June 2023.
Members of the MAS joined with the Retired Fellows of the RSM to visit Watts Gallery, the Watts Memorial Chapel and the Limnerlease the home of George and Mary Watts in Compton near Guildford.
The Annual Exhibition and PV 24 July 2023
62 paintings and 16 Sculptures were exhibited and judged by Patricia Barker.
The MAS Prize for 2D art was awarded to Ann Whitehead and for 3D art to Sally Joyston-Bechal.
The Barry Hoffbrand Prize was awarded to Helen Whitley.
The PV was well attended and was followed by an enjoyable dinner.
Our Patron Tom Coates died on 20 July 2023. Tom had served the MAS as Patron for 23 years.
At the PV we mourned our loss in silence and remembered his his generosity, enthusiasm, and kindness. The president, the immediate past president and past treasurer attended his funeral on 22 August.
News and Updates
MAS Exhibition at HSoA and Guest Lecture
The Principal of Hampstead School of Art and the President of the Medical Art Society invite you to a
Private View of the 2022
Medical Art Society Exhibition
Tuesday 13 September from 6-8.30 pm.
During the evening, at 7pm Mr James Scott FRCS, a former orthopaedic surgeon at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital will give an illustrated talk entitled ‘The Women who shaped Modern Art in Britain’.
James Scott led the establishment of the now famous art collection at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Medical Art Society Painting Week in Taormina
The MAS arranges a week every year to go painting in a warm and pleasant location, where there is enough material to stimulate members to produce some paintings and further their creativity for the coming year. Read more
Life Drawing Sessions with a Model
This events are open to Medical Art Society members and their guests. Life Drawing sessions will be held at HSoA.
For further information please email
Dates for all these events will be published within next month.
Annual Exhibition 2022
Was held in the Atrium of the
Royal Society of Medicine,
1 Wimpole Street, London, W1
from Mon. July 25th to Sat. July 30th 2022